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Thank you for your Interest in S4U. We equip local churches to engage in making disciples of abortion minded men and women. Engaging the abortion industry is not an easy task, and we seek to create biblical resources for your edification and encouragement.
Women are 2x more likely to have an abortion in a metropolitan area than a non-metropolitan area.
In New York City, 37% of all pregnancies end in an abortion.
Women will abort their baby when faced with an unintended pregnancy.
48% of women who get abortions claim they cannot financially afford to have a baby.
We train churches to invite them into a journey of discipleship within their congregation.
We believe that theology and methodology both matter. We take a gospel-centered, compassionate approach that we believe to be effective and winsome in changing the hearts and minds of those considering abortion.
Read our affirmations of faith and learn more about our distinct methodology and goals for speaking for life on sidewalks across the nation by clicking the button in the section above.
It all started with a Sanctity of Life sermon at Immanuel Baptist Church in Louisville, KY in 2009. A small group of believers began to pray and sidewalk counsel. Other Louisville churches began to join, and S4U began equipping churches across the nation in 2010.
We work on mission with God to seek and save the lost. Abortion-minded men and women’s ultimate need is the gospel, and we rejoice when we proclaim good news to people lost in darkness.
S4U is comprised of local church chapters, in partnership with pregnancy resource centers and like-minded ministry partners all across the country. We are an evangelical, gospel-centered, local church focused, and discipleship-driven network.
Sign up and receive our “20 Ways to Get Involved in Pro-Life Ministry” e-booklet, plus other helpful pro-life ministry resources!