I Was Counseled to Abort, But God Helped Me Choose Life: Part 2

(To read part 1 of Christin’s story, click here.) Mauricio and I understood that both my son and daughter, equally, were being woven together by the Lord, that He loved them immeasurably, and that He had a plan for both of them. We knew that God could do a miracle and save our son if […]

I Was Counseled to Abort, But God Helped Me Choose Life: Part 1

I’ll never forget November 3, 2016. I was pregnant with twins, and it was the day of my 18-week ultrasound. I was so excited to find out the babies’ gender. Were we having two boys, two girls, or a boy and a girl? Though I would have been thrilled with any combination, I was hoping […]

Comforting Rachel: How the Christmas Story Helps Us Respond to Abortion

Two millennia ago in the little town of Bethlehem, Mary rejoiced that her baby boy had come into the world. As angels sang and shepherds spread the news of Jesus’ entrance into our world, it seemed like nothing could ruin this joyous night. But a horrible scene unfolded soon after Jesus’ birth. Mary and Joseph […]

It Wasn’t My Body, But It Was My Baby

In the summer of 1998 a friend and I spent an evening together. A few weeks later she told me she was pregnant, and it was mine. Neither of us expected it, and neither of us felt ready to raise a child together. We were not in love and thought it would be better to […]

God Can Use Your Church To Help Heal Post-Abortive Women – My Story

Statistically, it was inevitable that I would find myself outside the doors of an abortion facility. I was twenty years old and three months postpartum with my first child. I did many things I shouldn’t have done to end up in that position, and my life felt void of hope. Even so, like over 70% […]

To End the Killing of Babies, We Need a Loving Revolution

Editors’ note: This article was published on the Gospel Coalition and republished here with the author’s permission. It was originally adapted from Rebecca McLaughlin’s The Secular Creed: Engaging 5 Contemporary Claims (TGC, 2021). Get it in the TGC bookstore or on Amazon. One of the brute facts by which we can judge how the ancient world valued women is the common […]

Talking About Difficult Topics (Like Abortion) in Student Ministry

My role as a Student Pastor places me right in the heart of a traditional corner of our country, in a staunchly Southern Baptist Church, surrounded by parents deeply rooted in conservative values. This church and community stand arm-in-arm on numerous pro-life platforms. Yet, the week Roe v. Wade was overturned, I was taken aback […]

How We Can Be Motivated By Love in Pro-Life Ministry

Throughout history, humans have been motivated to do dangerous things for heroic reasons. One recent example is Bridger Walker, a six-year-old boy who stepped between his younger sister and a neighbor’s charging German Shepherd. The dog’s owner was able to restrain the dog and call for emergency responders, but not before the dog latched onto […]

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